The podcast that watched every Academy Award Best Picture winner in no particular order

Did the Academy get it right…?

At the end of each episode, we ask ourselves did the Academy get it right? Here’s how our opinions stack up against those of the Academy’s so far.

Warning – spoilers for the end of each podcast episode!

EpisodeCeremonyActual WinnerJohn DorneyJessica ReganTom Salinsky
BP0011973 (46th)The StingThe ExorcistSave the TigerThe Exorcist
BP0021929/30 (3rd)All Quiet on the Western FrontAll Quiet on the Western FrontAll Quiet on the Western FrontAll Quiet on the Western Front
BP0032000 (73rd)GladiatorThe Emperor's New GrooveCrouching Tiger, Hidden DragonTraffic
BP0041953 (26th)From Here to EternityFrom Here to EternityFrom Here to EternityFrom Here to Eternity
BP0051999 (72nd)American BeautyOne Day in SeptemberMagnoliaThe Iron Giant
BP0061959 (32nd)Ben-HurBen-HurBen-HurSome Like it Hot
BP0072006 (79th)The DepartedLittle Miss SunshineThe DepartedChildren of Men
BP0081983 (56th)Terms of EndearmentThe King of ComedyThe King of ComedyThe King of Comedy
BP0091962 (35th)Lawrence of ArabiaLawrence of ArabiaLawrence of ArabiaLawrence of Arabia
BP0101961 (34th)West Side StoryWest Side StoryWest Side StoryThe Hustler
BP0111991 (64th)The Silence of the LambsBeauty and the BeastThe Fisher KingThe Silence of the Lambs
BP0122005 (78th)CrashCurse of the Were RabbitBrokeback MountainGoodnight and Good Luck
BP0131993 (66th)Schindler's ListSchindler's ListSchindler's ListSchindler's List
BP0141931/32 (5th)Grand HotelFrankensteinFrankensteinDr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
BP0151970 (43rd)PattonMASHRyan's DaighterThe Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer
BP0161967 (40th)In the Heat of the NightIn the Heat of the NightIn the Heat of the NightIn the Heat of the Night
BP0171956 (29th)Around the World in 80 DaysSeven SamuraiGiantThe Ladykillers
BP0181977 (50th)Annie HallStar WarsStar WarsStar Wars
BP0191965 (38th)The Sound of MusicThe Sound of MusicThe Sound of MusicThe Sound of Music
BP0201934 (7th)It Happened One NightIt Happened One NightIt Happened One NightIt Happened One Night
BP0211979 (52nd)Kramer vs. KramerThe Muppet MovieApocalypse NowApocalypse Now
BP0221972 (45th)The GodfatherThe GodfatherThe GodfatherThe Godfather
BP0231954 (27th)On the WaterfrontRear WindowRear WindowThe Caine Mutiny
BP0241930/31 (4th)CimarronCimarronCimarronCity Lights
BP0251928/29 (2nd)The Broadway MelodyThe Passion of Joan of ArcRONThe Cameraman
BP0261950 (23rd)All about EveThe Third ManAll About EveAll About Eve
BP0271936 (9th)The Great ZiegfeldSwing TimeRONMr Deeds Goes to Town
BP0281943 (16th)CasablancaCasablancaCasablancaCasablanca
BP0291939 (12th)Gone with the WindGone with the WindThe Wizard of OzThe Wizard of Oz
BP0301996 (69th)The English PatientFargoSecrets & LiesFargo
BP0311992 (65th)UnforgivenUnforgivenThe PlayerUnforgiven
BP0321966 (39th)A Man for All SeasonsBatmanA Man for All SeasonsThe Fortune Cookie
BP0331990 (63rd)Dances With WolvesGoodfellasGoodfellasGoodfellas
BP0341994 (67th)Forrest GumpThe Shawshank RedemptionPulp FictionPulp Fiction
BP0351986 (59th)PlatoonPlatoonPlatoonPlatoon
BP0361981 (54th)Chariots of FireRaiders of the Lost ArkChariots of FireRaiders of the Lost Ark
BP0371945 (18th)The Lost WeekendThe Lost WeekendMildred PierceThe Lost Weekend
BP0382002 (75th)ChicagoChicagoThe HoursChicago
BP0391971 (44th)The French ConnectionThe French ConnectionKluteMcCabe and Mrs Miller
BP0402011 (84th)The ArtistThe ArtistWe Need to Talk About KevinA Separation
BP0411988 (61st)Rain ManWho Framed Roger Rabbit?Dangerous LiaisonsRain Man
BP0421998 (71st)Shakespeare in LoveThe Big LebowskiThe Truman ShowShakespeare in Love
BP0431946 (19th)The Best Years of Our LivesThe Best Years of Our LivesThe Best Years of Our LivesIt's a Wonderful Life
BP0441969 (42nd)Midnight CowboyMidnight CowboyMidnight CowboyThey Shoot Horses, Don't They?
BP0451940 (13th)RebeccaThe Shop Around the CornerThe Philadelphia StoryHis Girl Friday
BP0461980 (53rd)Ordinary PeopleThe ShiningThe ShiningThe Long Good Friday The Elephant Man
BP0471958 (31st)GigiVertigoCat on a Hot Tin RoofTouch of Evil
BP0481952 (25th)The Greatest Show on EarthSingin' in the RainSingin' in the RainSingin' in the Rain
BP0491995 (68th)BraveheartToy StorySense and SensibilityToy Story
BP0501975 (48th)One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestJaws
BP0511987 (60th)The Last EmperorAu Revoir Les EnfantsMy Life as a DogAu Revoir Les Enfants
BP0521948 (21st)HamletThe Red ShoesHamletThe Red Shoes
BP0532017 (90th)The Shape of WaterThe Shape of WaterHeal the LivingGet Out
BP0541949 (22nd)All the King's MenThe HeiressAll the King's MenOn the Town
BP0552012 (85th)ArgoAmourThe MasterArgo
BP0561932/33 (6th)CavalcadeTrouble in ParadiseCavalcadeKing Kong
BP0571960 (33rd)The ApartmentThe ApartmentThe ApartmentThe Apartment
BP0582018 (91st)Green BookEighth GradeBlacKkKlansmanRoma
BP0591968 (41st)Oliver!The Good, the Bad and the UglyOliver!2001: A Space Odyssey
BP0601941 (14th)How Green Was My ValleyCitizen KaneCitizen KaneCitizen Kane
BP0611978 (51st)The Deer HunterSupermanInvasion of the Body SnatchersBlue Collar
BP0621984 (57th)AmadeusAmadeus1984Amadeus
BP0631985 (58th)Out of AfricaBack to the FutureThe Purple Rose of CairoBrazil
BP0641937 (10th)The Life of Emile ZolaThe Life of Emile ZolaThe Life of Emile ZolaSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs
BP0651963 (36th)Tom JonesThe HauntingTom JonesTom Jones
BP0661944 (17th)Going My WayDouble IndemnityTo Have and Have NotDouble Indemnity
BP0671947 (20th)Gentleman's AgreementBlack NarcissusGreat ExpectationsBlack Narcissus
BP0681989 (62nd)Driving Miss DaisyDo the Right ThingDo the Right ThingHeathers
BP0691927/28 (1st)WingsWingsWingsWings
BP0702003 (76th)The Return of the KingThe Return of the KingThe Return of the KingFinding Nemo
BP0711964 (37th)My Fair LadyGoldfingerDr StrangeloveDr Strangelove
BP0721976 (49th)RockyTaxi DriverTaxi DriverTaxi Driver
BP0731974 (47th)The Godfather Part IIThe ConversationThe Godfather Part IIThe Godfather Part II
BP0742016 (89th)MoonlightMoonlightMoonlightMoonlight
BP0751935 (8th)Mutiny on the BountyThe Bride of FrankensteinMutiny on the BountyThe 39 Steps
BP0762009 (82nd)The Hurt LockerThe Hurt LockerThe Hurt LockerThe Hurt Locker
BP0771997 (70th)TitanicTitanicTitanicLA Confidential
1942 (15th)Mrs MiniverMrs MiniverMrs MiniverTo Be or Not to Be
2014 (87th)BirdmanPaddingtonWild TalesSelma
2004 (77th)Million Dollar BabySidewaysEternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindDownfall
1938 (11th)You Can't Take it With YouBringing Up BabyLa Grande IllusionBringing Up Baby
2013 (88th)12 Years a Slave12 Years a Slave12 Years a Slave12 Years a Slave
1951 (24th)An American in ParisAce in the HoleA Streetcar Named DesireAce in the Hole
1955 (28th)MartyThe Night of the HunterEast of EdenThe Night of the Hunter
1957 (30th)The Bridge on the River KwaiThe Bridge on the River KwaiThe Bridge on the River KwaiPaths of Glory
2019 (92nd)ParasiteParasiteParasiteParasite
2007 (80th)No Country for Old MenNo Country for Old MenThere Will Be BloodMichael Clayton
1982 (55th)GandhiET The Extra TerrestrialGandhiET The Extra Terrestrial
2001 (74th)A Beautiful MindRONThe Fellowship of the RingLantana
2015 (88th)SpotlightMad Max: Fury RoadMad Max: Fury RoadRoom
2008 (81st)Slumdog MillionaireSlumdog MillionaireSlumdog MillionaireSlumdog Millionaire
2010 (83rd)The King's SpeechThe Social NetworkToy Story 3The King's Speech
2020 (93rd)NomadlandMinariNomadlandAnother Round
2021 (94th)CODADuneCODALiquorice Pizza
2022 (95th)Everything Everywhere All At OnceRRREverything Everywhere All At OnceWomen Talking
2023 (96th)OppenheimerOppenheimerKillers of the Flower MoonAll of Us Strangers
EpisodeCeremonyActual WinnerJohn DorneyJessica ReganTom Salinsky